6pm, Mooragh Park BMX Track
Everyone welcome
The 1st duty of care was to the drainage issue on the 1st corner, it took a long time to get sorted and didn't really look like much had been done afterwards but it had. There is now a 6 foot deep drainage hole on the inside of the 1st corner and we have widened the track by about 2 metres making for loads more room for moves around the 1st corner.
With it being a nice day loads of kids had come down to ride and naturally come over to see what was going on, well there where loads of yellow machines, so of course its exciting. The local riders offered to help so we gave them jobs, mainly spreading out surface but all help is greatly appreciated.
After the first corner was finished we moved onto the double into the bomb-hole. What could have been a big effort turned into quite a quick affair with children and parents helping fine tune, trample down and put surface on and we where finished in half the time it would have taken if it where just Juan and Max.
A big thank you to all the riders and parents that helped out, keep checking back for details of more work parties. The more people that help, the more we can get done and the better the track will be. And remember guys, the track is a work in progress, all feedback is welcomed and changing things is always on the cards.
On Sunday we raced, for a full report check Friday Manx Independant, but in the mean time here are a couple of pictures.
The 8 and unders final, with Luke Murray taking the lead from his brother Tom in 2nd.