Sunday, 30 January 2011

Series Standings after Round 3

Formula 1

1 Colin Clague 133
2 Juan Watney 126
3 Lennie Warner 99
4 Andrew Dowson 58
5 Jake Clague 58
6 Paul Crook 52
7 Ste Dillon 49
8 Chris Clague 0

Formula 2

1 Lewis Parker 120
2 Arran Lund 99
3 Holly Black 55
4 Matthew Flint 55
5 James Harrison 50
6 Christopher Nobbs 48
7 Liam Crook 44

Formula 3

1 Emily Bridson 95
2 Oli Harrison 80
3 Matt Black 75
4 Ciaran Warner 73
5 Mari Harrison 37
6 Jake Wilson 36
7 Alastair Flint 32
8 Warren Tasker 15
9 Ted Davis 4

Formula 4

1 Zack Dowson 63
2 Dillon Dowson 63
3 Chloe Dillon 53
4 Marek O'Neill 34
5 Corey Peters 30
6 James Collister 23
7 Aaron Kynaston 18

Friday, 14 January 2011


Hey all, rather than posting on Facebook in photo format, Formula standings are up here :-

Formula 1

Colin Clague 66
Juan Watney 62
Jake Clague 58
Paul Crook 52
Ste Dillon 49
Lennie Warner 46
Chris Clague 0

Formula 2

Lewis Parker 60
Matthew Flint 55
Emily Brideson 50
Arran Lund 49
Liam Crook 44

Formula 3

Oli Harrison 44
Matt Black 39
Dillon Dowson 39
Alastair Flint 32
Warren Tasker 15

Formula 4

Ciaran Warner 29
Zack Dowson 29
Chloe Dillon 28
Aaron Kynaston 18
Marek O'Neill 15

Dont forget, the next race is on the 30th with a demo and give aways from outdoors ramsey happening at the hall behind the bus station afterwards.

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

The Formula

The formula system of racing is aimed at mixing riders from different age groups dependant on results through the season to make closer and more competitive racing. There will be 4 categories (formulas 1, 2, 3 and 4). At the start of the season riders will be split, 15 years + (Formula 1) and the remainder equally into 3 more formulas dependant on rider entry numbers.

Points will be awarded for both moto positions and finals, with the top qualifying riders from moto’s getting the 1st pick in the main event. After racing the top 2 riders in formulas 3 and 4 will move up into the next formula and the bottom 2 riders in formulas 2 and 3 will move down to the lower category for the next event. If their are 4 riders in a class then 2 riders only will be subject to moving formula, the top and bottom rider only where applicable.

After the last event the riders will not move formulas and will remain in that category for final series rankings. Riders who join the series midway will be put into the formula that they would have ridden in based on age if joining at the start.


19th December
9th January
30th January
27th February
6th March

Series Points

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
Moto 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
F1 final 44 42 40 38 36 34 32 30
F2 final 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22
F3 final 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14
F4 final 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6