Thursday, 12 August 2010
We have joined together with the Sport Development Unit and will be offering 4 introdoction to BMX racing days for 8 - 11 and 12 - 15 year olds.
There are still places available, contact MSR on 688558 for more details.
Monday, 3 May 2010
Focusing on basic bike handling skills and giving the kids homework they can practice anywhere even when they can't make the track. The only big crash of the weekend was Juan "last time I get talked into demonstrating" Watney, cheers Brian. For more pics check out facebook.
The next round of racing is at Ramsey next Sunday, with signing on at 1030 and racing from 1130.
Saturday, 10 April 2010
Its that time of year again
There will be a 'come and try it' style open day at Ramsey track tomorrow (Sunday 11th April from around 11.30/12.00) - tell your friends!
The gate will be running and the sun will be shining (in intervals) - see, so come and get some practice in and throw down some style.The Lions Club will also be officially handing over the club hut at around 2.00pm. Hope to see as many club members and new faces as possible.
The official first race of the season is Sunday the 18th April!!!
Monday, 29 March 2010
Wednesday, 24 March 2010
Friday, 12 March 2010
Ramsey Isle of Man BMX Club AGM
Present: Mickey Cain (Chairman)
Sue Gibson (Secretary)
Juan Watney (Official Coach/Development)
Andrew Dowson (Sponsor)
Paul Crook (Chief Groundsman)
Neil Gibson (Assisstant Groundsman)
Dawn McCann (First Aid)
Apologies: Gary Mazzone (Club President), Dave Black, Rob Kinrade, Jayne Simpson, Rosie Hawes, Ian Clague, Marianne Clague, Brian Murray, David Kissack
Meeting Open 19:10
Introduction From Our Chairman – Mickey Cain
This is the first AGM in 5 years and now that we have a formal Committee we will be holding committee meetings monthly as well as Annual General Meetings.
Introduction To BMX Isle of Man Committee Members
Committee members present were introduced and their roles highlighted. All members that were not present were also mentioned and their roles explained. There will be a list drawn up with contact numbers which will then be laminated and displayed on ‘The Hut’ at Ramsey Track.
Registration Forms/Fees
New style registration forms will be available to download via the webpage and at the start of the racing season.
It was agreed that the annual membership fee would be set at £10, and £50 for 13 races (or £5 per individual race).
Proposed Race Dates
A 13 race series has been provisionally drawn up (with racing on a Sunday). Sign on from 10.30am (duration of 45mins) racing to start prompt at 11.15am.
It was discussed that ALL parents would be encouraged to help out with pre-race track maintenance.
*(Please note that if any off island races clash with Ramsey Isle of Man Bmx Club dates then we could arrange to race on a Saturday instead).
British Cycling software has now been purchased and Juan Watney is to set up our scoring system. The scoring system will be clearly displayed at ‘The Hut’ to avoid any confusion.
Off Island Racing
The dates and venues for all of the Regional and National events are now confirmed. We discussed organising a day trip (open to all members) – Preston on 30th May 2010 was mentioned as an option.
Club Coaching
Juan Watney and Dave Black to organise a coaching session during the school holidays. To possibly include the British Cycling coach who will be on Island for the Manx Youth Tour.
Bike Maintenance Session
Dave Black and Dibble to organise a Bike Maintenance Workshop – to teach club members basic maintenance/puncture repairs etc.
Douglas Track
There are ongoing problems with costing/weather/digger driver’s etc. The track layout is in place – however, it would appear that the late Spring target completion date will not be met.
Future Fund Raising Events
Open to Committee members to come up with some new and interesting suggestions how the club can raise some funds. Dawn McCann suggested a ‘pig racing’ night (!?) so watch this space!!
We have 3 new sponsors this season: Expol, SVA and Manx Telecom. The club kit will be printed to highlight their company logos. Many thanks to all of our sponsors.
Any Other Business
All agreed that we should spend as much money as necessary to bring the track up to a reasonable standard and to fund digger hire rather than rely on small labour work parties. Also, agreed to the purchase of a small wacker plate.
The meeting closed.
For a printable copy of the minutes feel free to download the word version here.
Friday, 5 March 2010
Summer Series 2010
The poster for the series can be downloaded HERE. Please feel free to print it off and advertise the series.
The first date of the series will be SUNDAY 18th APRIL. Signing on from 1030 - 1100. Racing hopefully from 1200 (to give time to input rider data into the new race software).
Following events will take place 9th & 23rd May, 20th* & 27th* June, 11th*, 18th & 25th July, 1st, 15th & 22nd August and 11th & 12th September.
Entry into the series can be paid for as a one off payment of £50, giving you 3 free races, or you can pay £5 per round at each event.
Ramsey BMX Club is registered to British Cycling, and racing will follow their BMX specific regulations.
* Due to a clash with North Region BMX's Summer Series the dates for rounds 4, 5 and / or 6 may be subject to change. Information regarding this will be posted here.
Friday, 26 February 2010
AGM reminder and agenda
Please remember that tonight is the AGM, the agenda is copied below.
Date: Friday 26th February 2010
Time: 6.30pm for 7pm start
To be held: IOM Sports Institute (NSC Outdoor)
o Introduction
o Details of committee members
o Membership form details/fees
o Proposed race schedule/dates/details
o UK Travel to Regional races
o Club Coaching sessions
o Equipment/Bike Maintenance/Workshop
o Douglas BMX Track
o Future Events/Fundraising
o Sponsorship
o Any other business
Tuesday, 9 February 2010
The meeting will take place on Friday 26th February, at the Sports Institute, NSC Outdoors, Douglas. Doors open at 6:30pm with the meeting to start at 7pm prompt.
This is your chance to come along and have your say, so if you have an interest in BMX on the Isle of Man please come. There will also be signing on for the new season, details of the up and coming race calendar and trips away.
Please pass this info on to anyone else you know who may be interested.
Thursday, 21 January 2010
The official line
A facebook page was setup "as an info data base and for general chat and sharing of various photos, videos etc and banter." However the site's open nature has been abused by some people hiding behind fake names and making non productive comments that may have caused offence, this will not be tolerated and the site is under close monitoring over the next month. It was decided at the committee meeting last night that members making abusive and non productive comments should be removed but the group should remain open to the public. This is up for review at the next meeting. For those of you whose intentions are pure, feel free to have a browse, enjoy the page and become a fan.
ALL official club statements will be made via the website, e-mail and/or posted at the club.
Stay tuned for more news, COMING SOON.